Re: Obtaining NIS domainname from Gatorbox

Bob Rahe (
Mon, 10 Apr 1995 12:42:28 EDT

+------ On Apr 10,  9:12, Ken Weaverling wrote:
|>This may be an obscure hole, but it got us and still bothers me.
|>Gatorboxes are shipped without a user password set. Once connected to your
|>net, it is easy to telnet to one of these things and log in with ANY id
|>iff there is no user password set. 
|>The user account can't change anything, but can look at really 
|>interesting things. For example, if you have the GatorShare software
|>running using NIS authentication, it will freely tell you what the
|>NIS domainname is.

  Maybe a good reason to join the crowd and not run NIS?  Seems like that
thing causes mucho problems.  That's the second one you've mentioned in two
days, I think.

|Bob Rahe, Delaware Tech&Comm College | AIDS, Drugs, Abortion: -        |
|Computer Center, Dover, Delaware     |  - Don't liberals just kill you?|
|Internet:        |Save whales; and kill babies?    |